Saturday, July 9, 2011

Plum Tree Care

The purple-leaved plum tree is a dramatic ornamental tree. It is usually selected for its abundant and stunning display of pink flowers and lush reddish-purple leaves. It is particularly showy because flowers bloom early in the spring before foliage appears. The plum tree's richly colored leaves are 1-1/2 to 3 inches long and are present throughout most of the growing season, making a lovely contrast and enhancement to the landscape. Some people do opt to purchase the fruit bearing variety, which produces small purple plums. A fast grower, the plum tree has an upright form with a lovely rounded and dense canopy. For best results, tree should be positioned in full sun and well-drained, acidic soil.

Plum Tree Care

Plum trees are susceptible to several stresses and insect and disease issues. By properly controlling insects and disease, fertilizing, watering and regularly pruning the trees, you can encourage tree health and enjoy the beauty of this tree on your landscape for years.

For more tips visit us

At the beginning of the growing season horticultural oils should also be used to smother scale insects and reduce over wintering populations of aphid and mite eggs. Plum trees are also susceptible to Japanese beetle attacks. Preventative and curative treatments are available to ward off this pest.
Newly planted trees benefit from ArborKelp® - SavATree’s exclusive seaweed biostimulant which aids in tree establishment, promotes root growth and heightens stress tolerance.

Mature and established plum trees benefit from fertilizer feedings of organic-based macro and micronutrients for the nutrition necessary to sustain their health.