Monday, November 28, 2011

Pruning Peach Trees

Early spring is the best time, shortly before fruit begins to appear. On average, peach trees should be pruned by February, as they begin to bloom in early March. A more specific sign is to wait just long enough that the last of the spring frosts are over and then prune, as blooming will soon follow. If you only have a few peach trees, it's possible to wait until pink buds first begin to appear.
Vigorous upright growths are called water sprouts. Any fruit grown here is often poorer quality. They tend to shade lower branches, which is a problem because sunlight is crucial to fruit color. Also, if left unchecked, they will lead to fruit growing higher and higher out of arm’s reach.
Most, if not all, of the water sprouts can be pruned away.

Wood that is brittle, grayish in appearance and/or dried out is already dead or dying, and needs to be removed. These are usually weak enough to be broken off by hand. Be sure to remove any fruit remaining from the year prior if necessary.

Visit us for more fruit trees tips

Pruning crossing limbs, especially near the trunk of the tree, is necessary for many reasons. It promotes good airflow, which deters against infestations and allows proper application of pesticides. It allows other growing branches to get more sunlight, which is crucial for proper fruit growth and color. Also, branches stuck in the shade one year are more likely to be deadwood the next. Fruit growing on the cross branches often rubs up against other fruit and branches, which could cause disease problems later.

It is common for smaller twigs and branches to break off from wind or the weight of the fruit. If this happens, it needs to be pruned at least past the breaking point, and preferably back to where the twig meets the branch. Even if it is still alive, this break is an attractive place for bugs to start eating into your tree.

Any branches, twigs or fruit left around your tree could be a cause for disease later on.

Don’t be afraid to cut too much from your tree. Many people are afraid to cut too much off, but in reality you’ll end up trimming as much as 40% of your peach tree.