Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Apple Tree Pruning

Pruning and training deciduous fruit trees are performed primarily to increase fruit production and develop a strong tree framework of optimum size and shape. Pruning is necessary to maintain tree health, vigor and productivity throughout the life of the home orchard. Benefits of pruning and training include:
  • Aid in the establishment of newly planted trees
  • Enhance early productivity
  • Increase fruit size and quality
  • Promote flower bud development throughout the tree canopy
  • Promote development of new fruiting wood needed to maintain productivity
  • Reduce the tendency for biennial bearing
  • Reduce incidence and spread of certain diseases
  • Facilitate spraying, fruit thinning and harvesting

The best time to prune apple trees is in the winter, promoting tree growth during the growing season. Apple trees that have reached desired size can be pruned in summer, hindering future growth.