Friday, August 5, 2011

How to Prune a 5 Year Old Plum Tree

Inspect the tree in the spring before it begins actively leafing out. Cut out dead or winter-damaged branches with a pruning saw. Cut them flush with the nearest healthy branch or the trunk.

Trim out any crossed branches that are rubbing together, as the damage caused by rubbing can lead to disease or insect problems. Cut the branches back to the nearest main branch from which they emerge.

Visit us for more fruit tree tips

Locate any water spout branches on the plum tree. Water spouts grow straight up from one of the side branches, often crowding the upper branches and weakening the branch they emerge from. Cut out the water spouts flush with the branch of their origin.

Cut back the top and sides of the tree to maintain the shape and size. Cut back each overgrown branch to a leaf bud nearest the desired length of the branch.