Meyer lemon trees have fruits which can be used as juices and in cooking. The Meyer lemon tree is a combination of the lemon tree and the mandarin tree. While its characteristics shows significantly more of the lemon fruit, the taste is sweeter and is less bitter compared to lemons along with less acidity.
The Meyer lemon tree when matured has a lot of fruits. The fruit of the Meyer lemon tree is uually green while it grows and when ripened it turns to yellow/orange. The growth of the Meyer lemon tree can take up to a year.
Surveying your land area should be the first step if you want to grow a Meyer
lemon tree. The climate that will allow a Meyer lemon tree shouldn’t be beneath zero degrees celsius or thirty two degrees Fahrenheit.
You can make a greenhouse where you can control the temperature of the environment. When you have purchased a Meyer lemon tree planted on a pot remove it and shake off some of the soil that is with the roots of the tree. Spray some water on the roots to moisten it. Plant it in a much larger container like that of a 5 gallon to give ample space for the roots of the plant to grow.
Use plastic pots when you plant the Meyer lemon tree seedling, it makes it easy to move when you need it to put it in indoors when the weather changes. Poke holes on the bottom of the plastic pot so that when you water the tree it won’t be soaked. When you plant the Meyer tree seedling, its level from its original container should be the same. Bury the Meyer tree seedling firmly that the stem is straight upwards and not swaying.
For more tips on growing fruit trees visit us
The Meyer lemon tree needs constant watering as it has to have a lot of water especially when it is outdoors. Organic fertilizers should also be used for it to grow fully. The soil has to be moist, organic fertilizers are the best for it does not have harmful chemicals.
Fertilize your Meyer lemon tree or as directed in the package of the organic fertilizer.Choose the right spot for the Meyer lemon tree to grow, it needs ample direct sunlight. Usually it has to be in the sunlight for six to eight hours on a daily basis. When the Meyer lemon fruit has turned into yellow-orange you may use it already. This tree bears a lot of fruits, you can use only that which you need as its fruit do not overripe.
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