The #1 disease of apple anywhere.
The fungus that brings on apple scab overwinters in leaf droppings. Early spring winds bring spores into the tree canopy, the consequent is lesions on leaves. Warm rainy climate leads to scab growth. Brand new infections are made through the summer as rains wash the fungus onto other leaves and fruit.
The fungus that brings on apple scab overwinters in leaf droppings. Early spring winds bring spores into the tree canopy, the consequent is lesions on leaves. Warm rainy climate leads to scab growth. Brand new infections are made through the summer as rains wash the fungus onto other leaves and fruit.
The fungus that brings on apple scab overwinters in leaf droppings. Early spring winds bring spores into the tree canopy, the consequent is lesions on leaves. Warm rainy climate leads to scab growth. Brand new infections are made through the summer as rains wash the fungus onto other leaves and fruit.
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Fire Blight
It can induce grave harm to apple and pear trees.
Cedar-Apple Rust
The fungus that cause cedar-apple rust finish part of their life cycle on red cedar trees that in spring it brings about large, bright orange, gummy lesions at the ends of branches.
Pear ScabPear scab happens in any place pears are grown. Also known as black spot on account of the dark spots it makes on leaves and fruits. Most tainted pears can still be consumed if the scabby area is taken out.
Bacterial Spot
Bacterial Spot is one of the most damaging disease in all regions east of the Rockies.
It is first sighted about 3 to 5 weeks after petals fall as small, water-drenched, brown lesions. First evidences on fruit can be misidentified for insect damage. During times of high humidity, gum may ooze out from these wounds.