There are several damaging diseases and pests that affect plum trees. Some of the most common are:
Black Knot – This is probably the most serious and widespread of the diseases that affect plum trees. This disease causes hard black long knots to form on smaller branches, often killing them. If left untreated, growth will be stunted and the entire tree will eventually die. Immediate pruning of diseased areas can help stop the spread of the disease.
Plum Pox Virus (PPV) – This disease is spread by aphids and attacks fruit bearing plum trees. Infected fruit can develop brown or yellow rings or blotches and may deform the fruit. The quality and quantity of the fruit production is dramatically reduced.
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Brown Rot – This fungus infects blossoms, fruit and small branches. Signs include cankers, fruit rot and blight. Powdery, brown gray tufts can be seen on the twigs or fruit especially when wet.
Plum Rust Mites – These pests range in color from yellow to pinkish-white or purple. Leaves of infected plum trees turn silver and start to curl up.