Melon is one such natural food item that qualifies itself as the perfect food for all seasons. The reason behind this is the amazing range of melon varieties available. In fact, different regions savor their own varieties of melons.
It’s interesting to know how melons became popular all over the world. Originating in Middle East, the popularity of melons gradually spread across Europe. It's believed that ancient Romans and Egyptians savored the taste of cantaloupes and honeydew melons.
Most of us are unaware that melons belong to the same gourd family as cucumbers and squashes. In fact, there is a very subtle difference between melons and squashes. The difference lies in way both of them are used. Squashes are consumed as vegetables, whereas melon is chiefly relished for as fruit for its juicy flavor. Melons combine within themselves the goodness of vitamin C and potassium. They are cholesterol free and low in calories, thus forming an essential part of a well-balanced diet. This might even account for the ever-growing popularity of melons amongst the fitness freaks throughout the world.
Another chief factor accounting for the increasing melon consumption is the wide variety of melons cultivated across the world. An important point to be noted in this respect is the popularity of a certain melon variety in a particular region. For instance, cantaloupe melons are chiefly popular in Italy and has been named after a city, Cantalupa, in Rome. This melon variety is commercially very popular for its aroma and flavor. Commonly known as "French breakfast" melon, the Charantais melon is consumed largely in France. There are around thirty-five melon varieties cultivated across the world. Some of the popular melon varieties are listed below:
Cantaloupe: Popularly known as muskmelon, this melon variety with orange flesh and netted skin offers abundant beta-carotene.
Casaba: This melon does not carry any aroma unlike other melons. It's pale yellow when ripe, along with a white flesh and sweet taste.
Crenshaw: A synthesis of Casaba and Persian melons, Crenshaw melons have a sweet and spicy taste.
Honeydew: These melons have a creamy yellow rind with a pale green flesh and serve as a perfect snack item for its sweet taste.
Persian: Quite similar to Cantaloupe melons, Persian melons have a finer netting.
Santa Claus: Popularly known as Christmas melons, this melon variety has green and gold stripes but is not as sweet as other melons.
Sharlyn: This melon shares the combined tastes of cantaloupe and honeydew.
Watermelon: This melon is now available in both the seeded and seedless varieties. Containing approximately 95% water, watermelons are an excellent source of essential vitamins. Watermelon juice serves as a refreshing drink to remove any imbalance of body fluids.
The above-mentioned names are just a few of the numerous varieties cultivated throughout the world. Out of them,watermelon is possibly consumed widely on account of the numerous health benefits offered by this red succulent fruit.
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