SHINSUI Fruit is medium sized (7-11 oz) with a green-brown to orange-brown russet skin. Flesh is off-white, tender-crisp, very juicy and sweet. Fruit quality is very good to excellent. Tree is very vigorous, upright, erect with a poor lateral branching. Stores about 6 weeks. Ripens mid August. Earliest ripening.
KOSUI A medium sized (10-14 oz), early maturing, light green to yellow-bronze fruit with a slight russet. Flesh is tender crisp, juicy, sweet with no acid. Tree is vigorous, upright, a strong grower, and moderately productive. Fruit quality is good to very good. Stores about 3 months. Ripens late August.
HOSUI Excellent golden brown russet variety. Excellent taste and eating qualities. Flesh is off-white, tender crisp, very juicy, very sweet. Size is medium to large (12-14 oz). Tree is medium to large, productive, weeping, and spreading. Stores about 3 months. Reported to develop water core if stored too long when picked very ripe. Ripens late August, early September.
SHINSEIKI Popular early season variety. Fruit is yellow-green to pale yellow, smooth with small lenticels, size is large. Flesh is white, sweet, firm, crisp and juicy. Tree is moderately vigorous, dense, very productive and precocious. Fruit quality is good to very good. Excellent storage life, about 7-8 months. Fruit ripens in late August, early September. Also known as New Century.
CHOJURO Medium to large, flattened, brown russet greenish fruit with thick skin. White flesh is crisp like an apple when ripe; mild, slightly aromatic flavor. Keeps in cool storage until February. Medium size, spreading, vigorous, early bearing tree; reliable annual bearing tree with somewhat drooping habit. Somewhat prone to overbearing; needs some thinning. It ripens in mid September.
NIJISSEIKI Best known Asian pear. Fruit is green to greenish yellow, smooth with some lenticels. Fruit size is medium (9-14 oz.). Flesh is white, firm, crisp, very juicy and sweet with a refreshing tartness. Fruit quality is good to very good. Tree is of moderate vigor, upright and productive. Stores about 5 months. Ripens in mid September. Also known as 20th Century.
SHINSEIHO Rather large fruit with light yellow to green fruits that tend to be sweet with a small bit of tartness. The flavor improves after developing in storage for a couple of weeks. Ripens in mid to late September.