Choose the right location. Longan trees like a lot of sunlight and prefer warm temperatures.
Prepare the soil. Longan trees like sandy loam. If you do not have naturally sandy soil, mix a lot of sand into your soil. In fact, longan trees can grow in pure sand, as long as it is moderately acidic. Longan trees also grow well in limestone.
Dig a hole as deep as the root ball and twice as wide as the root base. Then, place the tree in the hole. The sandy soil will probably collapse around the tree rather quickly. Fill the hole in completely around the root ball.
Tamp down the soil around the tree, and water it well. Keep the soil moist. Longan trees do not tolerate dry soil very well.
Support a young longan tree by tying it to a stake driven into the ground next to the trunk. Many saplings need added support, especially in windy areas.
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