Wait until the potted longan tree develops fruit, which occurs between August and September in the United States. When the fruits reach 1/2 to 1 inch in diameter, pick them off the tree.
Fill a bowl half full of water. Peel away the outer rind and pulp from one of the longan berries. Rinse the inner black seed in the bowl of water and lay it on a paper towel. Repeat the process to clean the other longan seeds from the fruit.
Place the paper towel in a room-temperature location and allow them to sit undisturbed for four days to dry.
Fill a plant pot 2/3 full of a mix of equal parts potting soil and sand. Place one to two longan seeds on top of the soil and cover them with an additional 3/4 inch of soil.
Water the soil well until it is completely moist. Set the pot on a windowsill and wait until the seeds germinate, which can take between seven and 10 days.
For more fruit tree tips visit