Friday, April 29, 2011

How to Plant a Mango Tree With a Seed

The mango (Mangifera indica L.) is related to the cashew and pistachio and is native to South Asia. To thrive, mangoes require temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit all year, with little rain or fog. Summer sunshine and lots of heat will prompt the mango tree to grow to a height of 65 feet and produce a 20-foot long taproot. A mango tree grown from seed will produce fruit in three to six years.

1. Remove the outer shell surrounding the mango seed with small, sharp pruning shears. Be careful not to injure the seed during removal.

2. Soak the seed in a bowl of room-temperature water for 24 hours.

3. Fill a planting pot with potting soil, water it well and allow it to drain completely.
4. Plant the seed, 1 inch deep, with the concave edge facing down into the soil. Cover the seed with soil and keep it moist until it germinates, generally within three weeks.