By Sadie Backhurst
Good tips for growing watermelons !
The Watermelon is catalogued to be mutually a fruit as well as a plant from a vine-like herb which derives from Southern Africa. Most watermelons contain a green skin with a pink juicy flesh which can sometimes red, orange, yellow depending on the kind of watermelon or even green if it is not yet ripe.
The fruit is considered to be very tasty, refreshing and can be eaten at any time of the day because it is not heavy on the stomach and it has a nice refreshing flavor. Watermelon produces Vitamin C, as well as beta carotene and lycopene. Instead of always having to buy watermelon from the food store, you can grow your own watermelon. Even though it might be more difficult however, the rewards for producing a successful produce is even bigger. Required Tools: Spade Fork Required Materials: Water Watermelon seeds Compost Fertilizer Bone meal Fertile sand Bone meal
Instructions are as follows:
1. First find a location that gets a lot of sunshine. The area should supply proper air flow and also be guarded from chilly winds for windy times such as during the spring and fall.
2. The site should be prepared by digging up the area using the garden tools like the shovel and fork. Then put in plenty of organic matter such as well drained manure and fertile loam within the earth in order to provide the right circumstances that the watermelon seeds require to flourish properly.
3. Watermelon seeds can be purchased at a nursery or a farm house. The seeds should be sown after both air and soil temperatures have gotten to about 65 degrees about two to three weeks after the last frost if you live in a cold atmosphere. The seeds can be planted right into the soil which is better for harvesting melons during a time when the fruit has enough time to fully develop. Watermelons don't develop very well after being transplanted from a pot so it is not advised.
4. Dig a hole in the earth about one foot deep and around two feet in breadth and a around a shovel full of compost and a trowel or two of bone meal. Make every hole so that they have lots of space separating each other. They should be someplace from three feet for small bush types to 12 feet apart for giant ramblers.
5. During the growth process, add thick amounts of organic mulch to hold in the right amount of moisture and deter weeds and keep the melons clean while they grow. You can also utilize a black plastic mulch with slits cut for the plants, and this will contain the heat better than any other soil sheeting. You can also cover the plants with floating sheets to keep the air humid and give the young plants an inch of water a week.
6. When the flower starts to appear, then take off all the covers so that air can circulate and pollination can take place for the bees and other insects. Compost should also be used every three weeks to start the fertilization.
7. The melon fruit should be left for around a month after being planted so that they can full blossom, and then they can taken up.
Tips and Warnings *If you are very specific when it concerns the acidity of the earth where the watermelons will be grown, you can test it using an acidity test kit. Watermelons flourish best in soil that is close to neutral PH but can also survive in acidity going up to 5.5. *Plant only one variety of watermelon if you want to keep some of the seeds for the following annum, all watermelons cross-pollinate effortlessly. * Persons who plant watermelon crops should revolve their crops each year with plant disease resistance varieties to drive away insects such as cucumber beetles that transfer the disease. You can also plant radishes within your melon patch to ward off these problems. Watermelons are especially susceptible to fusarium which are mainly found within northern areas.
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